Copyright ⌐ 1992 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
The two applications, Remote Control and Server Controller, allow the owner of a Macintosh to start or stop the file server running on that Macintosh using another Macintosh at another location on the network.
To setup the server Macintosh:
Ñ Drop the Server Controller application in the System Folder's Startup Items folder.
Ñ Make sure the Macintosh Owner Name, Owner Password, and Macintosh Name of are set with the Sharing Setup control panel or AppleShare Admin application.
Ñ Make sure Program Linking is ╥on╙ with the Sharing Setup control panel.
Ñ Make sure Program Linking is enabled for the owner of the system with the Users & Groups control panel or AppleShare Admin application.
Ñ Make sure AppleTalk is ╥on╙ with the Chooser.
Ñ Reboot the system; Server Controller will be launched and if everything is setup correctly, you won't see any error notification dialogs.
To setup and use the remote Macintosh to control the server remotely:
Ñ Make sure Program Linking is ╥on╙ with the Sharing Setup control panel.
Ñ Make sure AppleTalk is ╥on╙ with the Chooser.
Ñ Run the Remote Control application.
Ñ Select ╥Connect to Remote Macintosh╔╙ from the Remote menu.
Ñ Use the program linking and the user identity dialogs to connect to the server Macintosh.
Ñ Using Remote Control from here on is pretty obvious; just quit, or disconnect and quit when you're done.
About Server Controller
Server Controller is a faceless background application; it has no user interface and won't show up in the Application menu. When it's launched, it first performs a few checks to make sure it can do its job; if it can't, then it puts up an error notification dialog describing the problem and then quits. If everything is set up correctly, then it opens a PPC port and goes to sleep until the server's owner, using the Remote Control application, connects with it. While the owner is connected, Server Controller sends status information to the Remote Control application and makes server control calls passed to it by Remote Control.
If you need to quit Server Controller, you can use ProcDoggie or Task-It (two other DTS sample applications), or you can drag Server Controller out of the Startup Items folder and reboot.
About Remote Control
Remote Control displays status information it gets from Server Controller and send server control commands to Server Controller to start the server, stop the server, or cancel the start or stop operation. The only menu items of real interest are File, which lets you quit Remote Control, and Remote, which lets you connect to or disconnect from the Server Controller application.
Once a connection is made with the Server Controller application, a small window will appear with a single button and some status information. The button will either be Start, Stop, or Cancel depending on current status of the remote file server. The status information returned is:
Ñ Macintosh Name, the name of the Macintosh running Server Controller you've connected to.
Ñ Zone, the zone the Macintosh running Server Controller you've connected to is in. (If there are no zones, this field will be ╥*╙)
Ñ Status, the status of the remote file server.
To disconnect from the Server Controller application, you can use either the Remote menu or you can Quit the Remote Control application.
Release Notes
1.0d2 - Although this is only version 1.0d2, it is completely usable and has no crashing bugs that I know of. I'll be making several major internal changes to both applications before releasing another version, but since this version works and is useful, I thought I'd pass it around and get a little feedback on the user interface, etc.
Remote Control 1.0d2++ - I've fixed a few minor bugs and rebuilt the program with the final ServerControlIntf file.
Server Controller 1.0d2++ - I fixed a problem with case-insensitivity in the user name and rebuilt the program with the final ServerControlIntf file.
If you find any bugs or have any comments let me know at: